The MMPI profile traits of borderline personality disorder.


Nazan Emil Öğünç, Nurhan Eren, Doğan Şahin, Ebru Temiz, M Bilgin Saydam

Yayın tarihi



Journal of Psychiatric Nursing/Psikiyatri Hemsireleri Dernegi






Objectives: Distinctive, effective and systematic psychological test methods to be used to di-agnose, treat and research borderline personality disorder (BPD) need to be developed and adminis-tered. This study investigates the MMPI profile characteristics of BPD to determine the original pro-file of BPD. Methods: This comparative and descriptive study was conducted in the psychiatric clinic of a university hospital from 2000 to 2013. Its sample consisted of 51 patients with BPD, 31 patients with BPD and comorbid personality disorders and 31 patients with no psychiatric diagnosis according to DSM-IV. The MMPI was administered individually to the subjects diagnosed with BPD before the start of treatment and in face-to-face interviews with all participants. The study used chi-square, inde-pendent sample t-test, and the differences between the patient and control groups’ MMPI subtests were examined using logistic regression.

Results: There were statistically significant differences between all the subtests except sub-test MF (5) in the comparison between the BPD and control groups. Sub-tests 4, 8, 3 and 2 were found to be high in the MMPI profiles of the BPD group. Logistic regression found that subtest Pd (4) differ-entiates 60% of cases with and without BPD. Along with subtest K, this predictability rises to 70%, and with subtest D (2), it rises to 74%. There were no statistically significant differences between the comorbid and non-comorbid BPD patients’ mean profiles, subtests and code types. Conclusion: Significant differences were found in the statistical analysis between BPD and control group, and this result is similar to those in the literature …

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